a brief introductory piece

Here we go again.

Introducing you to the not-so-newly born blog writer: Addiena a.k.a myself.

You might have known me if you were my old blog's followers (which are most likely nonexistent). Blogging used to be my thing 6-7 years ago (junior high school era). Back then, I recognized myself as a girl who continuously expressed her personal feelings online (sometimes it's too personal and controversial), especially in the form of writing and photo editing. It was so much fun being that expressive. Sadly, as time passed by, the spark inside me has slowly worn out. Eventually, the 19-year-old me wised up about not making this side of mine die. This too shall be embraced.

Better late than never, I said. Just don't make it wait forever. #dab #GuessThe Lyrics

So, here I am for the sake of my continuity of creating something willingly. 

Why medium--well?


(adj.) (of meat) cooked so that it has a small amount of pink in the centre.

Meaning it's not fully cookedthe quarter part of it is a bit raw. This definition somehow portrays what I'll be doing in this blog almost perfectly. The writing pieces I cook in this blog is not always complete or scientifically proven or containing serious matters or whateva. If one thing keeps rolling in my head and it's a good topic (for my own consideration), I'll put it here. I'll pour it here. I will 'cook' it in the form of writing so that I don't waste it up.

To put it simply: this is the platform to settle my thoughts properly. 

OK enough cocoklogi(s), please.

The content would be various, tho. From reviews, journeys, or even mere personal thoughts and whatnots. I would probably type it in two languages: English and Bahasa Indonesia, depending on my mood.

And, yes, I am aware that the responsibility of my thoughts is fully mine. 

I'm ready for cookin'!

What's with the two hyphens in the URL?

No significant reason. I want the one-hyphened one so bad but it is not available so I add one more hyphen to keep the name. Turns out it is still available. So, here it is, medium--well, with a double hyphen.

Nobody even asks you those questions why bother explainin-

That is why I'm gonna end this here.

Happy judging reading!
